Hello McKinley Families.

Are you looking for an after school activity for your kiddo? The second session of ASE soccer is beginning April 25th. Please register at http://www.soccerkidsamerica.org/

Ages: 5-12 years
Dates: 7 week session held every Thursday April 25-June 6
Time: 12:20-2:20 pm 
LocationMcKinley Elementary Outdoor Field

What players should bring each day:
A large water bottle, sneakers (no open toed shoes) and their SKA soccer jersey

Cost: $280 for a 7 week session of a 2 hour class each week (includes a soccer jersey)

Flyer Here:
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0 ui=2&ik=acb6e70741&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1793894646298458766&th=18e531ad25183a8e&view=att&disp=safe