The very last PTC meeting of the 2021/2022 school year is here! It has been a roller coaster year (am I right?), but I am extremely thankful to have been able to move back into some normalcy and excited to end the year with some in-person and on-campus events!

Over the past two years, it has been impossible for new parents to get the real feel for what McKinley PTC’s fundraising efforts truly provides for McKinley students. But, thanks to your incredible generosity, McKinley’s IB enrichment program is amazing and the library remodel project that was approved in 2018 is finally moving forward! Details about the library project will be presented at the PTC meeting by Heather Vitti, parent leading the project.  She will also have an information table just outside the library at the upcoming IB Festival where you will be able to see the plans, touch the fabrics and sign up to help. And we will need lots of help! Plans to get started clearing out the library will begin Friday, May 27th!

I am also very pleased to announce that the Communications Team has gained several members and will be ready to hit the ground running next year! Come to the meeting and meet the new team!

While I am very happy that several PTC committees gained new members (and it is very appreciated!), there are several committees that are still looking for new members, with fresh ideas! In April, our newly established Volunteer Coordinator sent out a survey asking families what skills they have that could help the PTC throughout the year and/or identify what interests they have that would match up with the various PTC committees at McKinley.  If you haven’t had a chance to fill out the survey, you can submit a response any time here – Volunteer Survey.

If you haven’t yet, please mark your calendar for the IB Festival on Saturday, May 21st when we will have an opportunity to get on campus for the first time since March 2020! I can’t wait for you to see all the wonderful enrichment programs that students will showcase all thanks to your contributions of time, energy, and funding!

It has been my pleasure to be a part of such an awesome community. I hope that you will attend the last PTC meeting of the year and join me in celebrating this year’s accomplishments after two years of constant upheaval. And while we’re gathered (virtually obviously), I hope you will forgive me for taking one last opportunity to ask for your help on the exciting new things happening at McKinley.  Thank you for making these last four years so memorable.


Nancy Flores, PTC President 2019-2022

Meeting Agenda:
• School & Principal Updates
• PTC & Foundation Updates
• Library Project Presentation

Last PTC Meeting of 2020/2021
May 18th, 6:30-8:00PM Zoom

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Meeting ID: 867 0217 6728