
Dear McKinley Families,

State Law mandates that we have policies in place with respect to nutrition and food safety. This resulted in presenting this to our Site Governance Team members and staff for discussion.

For birthday celebrations, no food is allowed. You are welcome to bring pencils, stickers, or any other non-edible item, but no food of any kind for birthday celebrations is permitted.

Many teachers will offer Birthday Kids a special seat, the opportunity to share their favorite book or other non-edible opportunities.

We realize this is disappointing for many families, but we cannot be out of compliance with established State Law and District Policy.

Food for Non-Birthday Celebrations 
Each grade level determines what they will or will not celebrate. Approved celebrations might include: Publishing Parties or other recognized holidays. Food can be brought to those events, but it must be store bought and pre-packaged. When classrooms are hosting these events, parents will be notified via their room parent.

Your support is appreciated.

Deb Ganderton and Staff