McKinley Beautification Committee News

If you couldn’t join us for Green Day, consider joining us in the morning. Starting in December, on Monday and Wednesday mornings (8:00-8:20 am), we will be working on smaller projects in the garden and around campus. A great way to start your day, working alongside other McKinley families to make our campus even more awesome! See flyer for more details (Español).

Thanks to the dedicated volunteers who came out on November 5, our Fall Green Day was a huge success! The volunteers really showed their love for McKinley and helped beautify our school campus. What a great way to see in action the IB attitudes of Cooperation, Commitment, Creativity, and Enthusiasm! The volunteers worked primarily in the Octopus Garden, painting the raised beds and creating art cobbles to add character to the garden areas. Volunteers also helped with composting, trimming, digging and planting in the garden. Mulch was spread around campus, and new raised beds were built for the 5th grade bungalows.

The Beautification Committee would also like to say thank you to Grant Ferrier and Charles for coordinating, setting up, and connecting our new rain collection receptacles around campus. During the recent rains we have collected over 1800 (!) gallons of water off the bungalow and new building roofs. This water will help our gardens continue to thrive! We also want to say thanks to Jason Folkman for taking over the collection of daily salad bar waste for composting. It prevents a lot of food waste and we are able to use the resulting compost throughout the school and raised beds.