Hello McKinley Families! 

Please be sure you are following the drop-off and pick-up lane procedures:

Felton Street, NORTHBOUND from Palm to Redwood, is ONE WAY only from 8:00 – 8:45am and 2:45 – 3:30pm (12:00 – 12:45pm on Thursdays). There are NO U-TURNS and no double parking allowed on Felton.

The east side of Felton is marked white for student drop-off and pick-up only. This means drivers stay behind the wheel while child(ren) get out of the vehicle, or the driver waits in the car (not double parked) for child(ren) to come to the vehicle, then drive away slowly 😊

Some parents need to drop-off/pick-up other children at other schools, go to work, etc. so let the drop-off/pick-up zone be just that, a drop-off/pick-up zone please. 

Surrounding streets (Palm, McKinley Street, and most of Redwood) are available for parking in order to walk student(s) to or pick up at school entrances. *Be courteous to neighbors by never blocking driveways* 

If you have questions, please ask! Believe us, when people ignore the traffic instructions it becomes a huge mess and safety hazard. 

Thank you!