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2013 Jog-A-Thon is Thursday, October 24th

The JOG-A-THON is one of our school’s biggest fundraisers and your support is vital.  Most importantly this is the only event where the kids take the lead in raising money for their school.  Did you know that most of McKinley’s music/dance, art, and Spanish programs are no longer funded by the school district? The only reason our kids get to participate in these programs is because we raise the money to fund them.

The kids will run laps around a track in the McKinley field and blacktop (approx. 1/8 mile lap for K-1st graders, 1/4 mile lap for 2nd-5th graders).  Most students run 8-10 laps.

Grades K & 1st:          9:40am – 10:00am
Grades 2nd & 3rd:       10:15am – 11:00 am
Grades 4th & 5th:        11:15am – 12:00pm

We are asking students who are able and willing to participate to get their families, friends, neighbors, and/or parent/guardian co-workers to sponsor them in the jog-a-thon.  Although most families have found it easier to collect “flat donations” from sponsors (e.g. $25 for the whole event), some families/sponsors prefer to make per lap pledges (e.g. $1/lap).  Click here for a Sponsor Sheet.

You can also send an email to your prospective sponsors with the following link:

Click here if you’d like to set up a personalized web page to get sponsors from friends and family outside of the area.

(Enter a comment at the bottom of this page if you would like your site included.)


Students will receive a raffle ticket for each sponsor they collect and will be entered into a drawing for lots of great prizes, such as bikes, rock climbing tickets, museum passes, movie passes, and more. In order to be eligible for prizes, your child must turn in all donations by 4:00 pm to the classroom teacher on Wednesday, October 30th, 2013.

Jog-A-Thon T-Shirt………………………..All kids who raise $45 or more
Pizza Party with the Principal…….All kids who raise $75 or more
Engraved Trophy…………………………..Top boy and girl runner (most laps) for each grade level
Class Party………………………………………The class that raises the most money per student
Limo Ride to In & Out Burger……..Top 6 money raisers  (Ride with Principal)

Parents also get to help out with the big event.  There will be a volunteer sign-up sheet sent out in a couple of weeks.  We will need parents to donate oranges, help mark the kids laps, hand out oranges and water during the race, or simply get out and run with the kids to keep their spirits up.  If you are able to come and help out, it really is a blast!  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Helen Newlin (or call 619-865-9616).

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